Thursday, July 1, 2010

Potty training rules

Little did I think that I would ever be blogging about potty training, but it has taught me many things.

1.  Don't buy your child more than 5 pairs of "undies" as it takes forever (1/2 hour) to decide which pair to wear for the next hour.
2.  Don't insist that your child sit on the potty, he/she will do it when they feel the need.
3.  It doesn't matter if the pee pee or poo poo makes it into the potty, as long as it is in the bathroom everything is good.
4. Don't worry about how many times your child flushes the toilet.
5.  Don't be surprised if your child NEEDS to take off all of their clothes while using the potty (including shoes and braclets)

I am sure the rules will continue...